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TAKE ACTION: Agenda for a New Economy

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Get your elected officials involved…
Be sure to subscribe to get updates and follow our social media accounts on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok & Facebook for additional opportunities with toolkits, tweetstorms and petitions to engage and hold our legislators accountable.
Join the Agenda for a New Economy
Join the Agenda for a New Economy
We are organizing to ensure our democracy is strong, inclusive, and that our elected officials are accountable to working for us ALL. Join us in demanding that our governments fight for real and transformational policy changes that will engage and uplift our communities with the care, investments, and justice we are owed.
What we can win in 2024…
What we can win in 2024…
A revolutionary agenda that realigns our laws, policies, and budgets with the equity and justice we are owed. The Agenda for a New Economy attacks the root causes of systemic poverty, racism and violence with a concrete plan for state and local legislation that invests in quality jobs, education, and community based programs that prioritizes and empowers communities that have been systematically stripped of their resources and wealth.
What is the Agenda for A New Economy?
What is the Agenda for A New Economy?
This agenda will win concrete improvements in the lives of Detroiters, help build local power in our communities, and radically transform our communities into democratically just spaces where we all are given opportunities to thrive.



2022 Year End Fiscal Org Report

Impact of Diverting AARP Funds to Shotspotter Instead of Providing Secure Housing

In the news

The Future of Work Town Hall

Detroit Action removing barriers to provide job security for our returning citizens, low income and housing-insecure residents.

Biden fails to acknowledge our Detroiter reality

Detroit Action demands inclusion, investment and accountability for marginalized populations left behind

Mayor Duggan’s State of the City: A lasting legacy of harm

Detroit Action demands City Council amend budget to divest from police overspending and invest in housing support, community-based programs